Get your SEO strong they said, start a Facebook group they said, get your Instagram content out there they said... Without ranting AGAIN about the sorry state of the UK with regards to its views on innocent machetes, it became apparent that normal marketing efforts won't work. Meta blocks anything machete related for going against their policy on weapons, so that's Facebook and Instagram kneecapped from the get-go. UK Amazon doesn't allow sales of Machetes on it's site (but billhooks, axes, screwdrivers and very long kitchen knives are fine apparently... ???)
So one last bastion of freedom in the UK for the machete appears to be YouTube! I've uploaded a video and a few shorts, loads more in the can, but if you can't find our IG @britishmachetecompany then please look for us on YouTube and show your support!
I'm not going to be doing martial arts twizzling blades around my fingers like a Frenchman, but will endeavour to show off our products on YT for anyone who is interested. Welcome!
