As the leaves begin falling from the trees, we have been super busy gathering not only the last chestnuts of the season, but also putting the final touches to our blades for 2024.
Our hopes were that 2023 would be a great launch year for the brand. We've had some really high moments and some very poop moments too. On the plus points we have:
Successfully funded our first crowdfunding project on Kickstarter for the BMC Chopra Machete. (Backers - I know you're waiting. Thanks for your continued patience - your blades are coming).
Perfected our CNC machined Richlite handles so they are ergonomic, attractive and grippy.
Sourced 20 components used in our hand-made sheaths. (Yes you might call them scabbards but we are sticking with the modern generic terminology here).
Tweaked our sheath design and manufacture to be stronger, sleeker and lighter than original prototypes.
Created x4 new blade patterns in final drawing phase, with the next two releases already being prototyped with our new partners in Italy.
Yes... British Machete Co. is working with our friends in Italy. Why you might ask?
Well, without naming and shaming too much, our incumbent suppliers have had six months in which they have come up with only a handful of Chopra's. The mind boggles as to why and how...
To our loyal supporters still waiting for your blades, I can only apologise to you and promise they'll be finished up as soon as I get the steel in hand.
For us, that level of cooperation is not good enough and meant we had to look elsewhere for a more capable partner. For ours and our amazing customers sake.
Whenever I had the pleasure to pick up an Italian made blade, I have been pleasantly surprised. After communicating with the big factories, it looks like the good quality, good steel choices and industry expertise are matched with a willingness to cooperate and professional attitudes. Plus who doesn't enjoy a business trip to Maniago!
The sheaths will all still be UK made with all final QC, sharpening and packing done here in Kent. So really it is a perfect combination of Italian steel making craftsmanship and British design and QC together.
The door is still open for willing and able British businesses to collaborate, but ultimately I need our blades to be world leading quality and this, currently, is best achieved by working with friends in Europe.
Our BMC marketing department has been very quiet for the past month as we await stock to promote. It's going to be a fine day when we can actually promote something we have in stock!!!
Until the next update, stay safe, stay sharp.
Cheers, Ian