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"The Art of Naming: How to Choose the Perfect Name for Your Blades"

It is always with great trepidation and excitement that I spend inordinate amounts of time planning, debating, choosing, then rethinking names for things. Whether it is a new kittens name or the name of a new product, the process is fun but also more intense than one might think.

Let's be clear - there is no one 'perfect name', but there are better names than others.

With my wife and daughter as major sounding boards for potential names, the pool of options can be lightly tested and discussed prior to finalising the ultimate selection.

It is important to sound out a name several times, toy with it for some time to give it a chance to breathe and have a go at life. Quite often it will suddenly become apparent that one name is completely inappropriate, childish, banal or simply not right after it's had a chance in the limelight.

I named our black-coating 'Darth Coat'. I enjoy Star Wars and languages, so tying the two together felt good. Who doesn't like a strong Germanic word to represent a colour? This term adds a certain additional level of masculinity, power and intrigue to what is a fairly masculine, powerful and intimidating tool. So it felt like a good fit.

Our grey blades I named 'Phantom Coat' for similar reasons to the Darth. But with the added connotation of the iconic McDonnell Douglas F4 Phantom jet from the Vietnam war era with its anhedral tail and distinctive dihedral dogtooth wing shape. Very cool design!

I had planned to carry on this theme of 'mythical monsters' throughout the BMC product range, but... here in the UK there are already laws banning the use of wording on blades which imply a call to violence; particularly any wording which relates to 'Zombies'.

Therefore my development name for our new Golok - which was 'Ghoul' I feel may be deemed too risque by the powers that be.

In an attempt to avoid any heat, we are reverting to the pre-Ghoul name of Vanguard. The thinking behind this name is that the British Army pattern Golok which inspires the design, is of course originally intended for use by military personnel. A tool like this would be used for life in jungle environments. Being needed most by a pathfinder, scout or the Vanguard - leading the way.

Coincidentally the Vanguard Golok shape bears a passing resemblance to a nuclear powered submarine, such as HMS Vanguard!

Vanguard was itself a development upon the name 'Scout' which again tied into the Star Wars universe but I felt came off a bit junior given the name of the young boys outdoor skills community.

So here we are, now back to the BMC Vanguard Golok:

Will this name change again? One can never be too sure.

Ultimately a name is just a name. So long as it 'feels' right and doesn't diminish the product or company values; it can only work well when used in combination with a winning product and offer.

I wish you a smooth journey in your new product naming exercises.

The BMC Vanguard Golok is due to be released in the summer of 2024. It will be available first here on this website and available at all good retailers.

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